Thursday, November 14, 2013

Tweezerman - my favorite tool!

I'm sure if you ask any manicurist they will tell you that they have a list of favorite products and favorite tools but this has got to be my all time favorite - the Tweezerman Deluxe Toe Nail Clipper. Whoever invented the toe nail and finger nail clipper should be shot! Those rounded clipping edges are almost impossible to work with. Tweezerman invented a straight slant cutting edge on their Deluxe Toe Nail Clipper which makes for effortless precise cutting.  

The clipper has a rubber case that catches the nail clippings as you clip and slides off easily for emptying.  

Paying a little extra for a professional grade tools is a worthwhile investment. I have had mine for seven years now and it still looks as new and performs well as the day I purchased it.  You can either make the initial investment in a good qualify product or buy the cheap ones and have to keep replacing them time after time.  

Tweezerman will sharpen any tool for as long as you own it free of charge.  All you do is mail them to the company and if for any reason they are not able to sharpen your item they will replace it free of charge. 

The list price for this item is $12.00 but I found it for only $9.99 Tweezerman Professional Deluxe Toenail Clipper - you will love this product!

1 comment:

  1. I like Tweezerman products, they are pricey though. I had no idea about them sharpening them for the life of the product!


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