Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Do you know what those little white dots are on your nails?

Someone asked me recently what these white dots or streaks in their nails where and if she should be concerned about them.

Here was my reply:  "Nothing to be concerned about this condition is called Leukonychia (pronounced loo-ko-nik-ee-ah) is caused by air bubbles, a bruise, or other injury to the nail. Leukonychia cannot be corrected but it will grow out with your nail."


  1. I found out that I much prefer the occasional white than a black spot which resulted in a hole in my nail that had to grown out. Too bad it started long before it was visible so it took a couple of months. & just in case you're wondering, I got my fingers crushed between armoire doors that fell off as I was closing them. Hooray for craftsmanship!

  2. I love the rememdies and treatments, great ideas and nice article!

  3. Interesting! I learned something new today. Thanks for sharing!

  4. My dad caught toenail fungus from the local YMCA here in Indiana
    Not wanting to take prescription meds for it, (and the store bought topical stuff didn't work) he's been soaking the toenail religiously for about a year now in a solution of apple cider vinegar, and Listerine, after he found an article online about the mixture being able to kill the fungus.
    He still has the fungus, but claims "it's not as bad as it was."
    I'm just wondering if you've ever heard of this "recipe" and/or what you know about any of this,
    Michelle Johnson


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